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Past Local Events and Fieldtrips

In addition to our annual international trip, UBC SEG also hosts events, short courses, and a number of field trips to geologically interesting locations nearby.

March 2012 Britannia Mine Visit, Britannia Beach
February 2012 XRF Workshop, Vancouver
February 2012 IOGas Workshop, Vancouver
January 2012 WIUGC Overview, Regina
November 2011 Acme Lab Visit, Vancouver
November 2011 Student-Industry Mixer, Vancouver
October 2011 Myra Falls VMS deposit, Vancouver Island
April 2011 Vancouver Island VMS deposits (with Univ Western Australia)
July 2010 Southern British Columbia (with Univ Western Australia)
October 2010 Highland Valley Porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, Southern BC


a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Dept Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences, UBC
2020 - 2207 Main Mall
Earth Sciences Building,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4,
UBC SEG Student Chapter
Dept Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences, UBC
2020 - 2207 Main Mall, Earth Sciences Building,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada

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